Monthly Archives: September 2015

No Treat For You

Upon seeing her lunch slush fund depleting exponentially…

Me: <Ginger2>, you know the rule is that you can only have ice cream snacks on Fridays IF you’ve done all your homework and have been good at home. We have talked about this.

<Ginger2>: It’s my brain’s fault. When I hear the lady say, “It’s time for a snack if you are allowed,” my brain tells my body, “Get up and go get a snack!”


Ode to our Matriarch

I was sitting in church when I got the message that Grandma Kelly had died. We shared our memories about her on the way home, and the kids wanted to know who she would see in Heaven. Ginger1 began rattling off a pretty long list, which caused me to pause and think about the influences they have lost in their short lives. When I told them Grandma was able to meet Jesus today, the car went quiet… until Ginger2 announced, “Awwww, that’s nooooo fair!”