Monthly Archives: April 2017

Parenting in Survival Mode

Lately I have been feeling pretty confident that I was exiting “Survival Mode” and moving into a more comfortable approach to parenting, so today I decided a new tactic was worth exploring: gentleness. In every reminder, I used the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit. (It had to be Him since there is very little about me that is gentle). When the kids would ask me a question, I’d respond nicely, calmly, almost in a whisper. When it came time to get Ginger4 ready for preschool, he looked at me in wonderment, amazed I hadn’t yelled at him that we were running late or reminded him that he can’t find his shoes because he failed to put them away the night before. He came to me with a concerned look and asked me if I was feeling okay. Then he yelled at me because we were late to school. Oh, the irony! I suppose all my screaming does this survivalist some good from time to time.

A Toast for Friendship

Paul found this when he emptied Ginger2’s lunchbox yesterday. She stores her “treasures” in a side pocket so I don’t find them and throw them away. This heart bottle opener, she says, was a special present from a friend from school. I wonder what they’re doing at lunchtime?!!!😜

Embarrassed (once again)…

I am not sure which is more embarrassing — Ginger3 announcing (in the grocery store check-out) we’re camping for spring break because “we’re a bunch of hillbillies,” or Ginger4 asking, after a dip in the pool, “Mom, do we need to take a shower after this, or does this take care of it?” (For the record, “this” took care of it).


We’re in Florida, celebrating Spring Break, and Ginger3 is complaining about a hiking “adventure” I decided we would take. He maintains, “We live miserable lives.” I am sure he is simply perfecting his craft of sarcasm.


I am playing against Ginger3, and he is doing the guessing. He concludes, “You can’t love me because I don’t have an ‘o’ in my name!” Paul and I enjoyed a good laugh, failing to realize I had spelled ‘you’ incorrectly.

Unpredictable Disappointments

The Littlest Ginger has had his fair share of disappointments recently, but the biggest one happened last night when he had his first ever soccer practice (Thanks, Mother Nature!). We were thrilled for him– he has been waiting for this moment forever. When he arrived, he discovered that there was no goalie in his instructional age group. Tears ensued, and Jack was angry that we had signed him up to play in this league, saying, “It’s not real soccer if there’s no goalie!” I thought his disappointment would subside with time, but I thought waaay wrong. He is still upset, a day later. I think it’s humorous the number of times I anticipate something will be fun and exciting and my kids make it into something else.